What is the refund policy for PBCC?

If you’re accepted as a student, you’ll have two weeks from the date you’re accepted into the program (or three days before the program start date, whichever comes first), to make your first payment, in order to secure your spot. You can begin a payment plan with a payment of $997, minus your $100 deposit, with successive payments of $997 per month for the ensuing five months (Totaling $5,982). Or you can save if you pay in full for $4,997 (minus your $100 deposit).
  • If you cancel by December 16, 2023, your payments will be refundable in full.
  • Because the certification cohort has limited spaces, each spot held is a spot that is not available for someone else. As a result, we will refund all payments received to date minus a $500 fee, if you cancel after December 16, 2023
  • If you cancel after the start date (January 15, 2024), but within the first 60 days of the start date (March 15, 2024), you will receive a refund minus $2,000 or whatever you have paid to date, whichever is less.
  • After March 15, 2024 the entirety of your tuition is non-refundable.
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