What are the rules or guidelines for interacting in the community?

Food Revolution Network is committed to building a community based on the principles of mutual respect, honesty, compassion, and fun. You can expect these qualities from our team members and we endeavor to foster such a culture in our community spaces, as well.

With that in mind, we ask everyone to operate according to the Golden Rule — treating others as you wish to be treated — when interacting with anyone else in FRN’s community. First and foremost, be polite. Real people are reading what you write and we are all affected by the energy and power of words. We also ask that when you disagree with something you read, you comment on the content and not the author. So much can be gained from lively and civil discussions!

Our mission is healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. We want to see healthy food, grown on healthy soil, made far more affordable and far more accessible for all people. This is our focus, and we invite and host conversations on issues that pertain directly to this mission. We reserve the right to remove comments on outside and off-topic issues.

We also reserve the right to remove comments that we deem to violate the spirit and goals of our community and to block anyone whose behavior we consider to be disruptive to our intentions or who refuses FRN requests to engage in a civil and supportive manner. 

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