How can I connect more with the Food Revolution Network community?

Food Revolution Network is an ever-evolving and growing people-powered movement committed to healthy, ethical, sustainable food for all. Our community is made up of people from all walks of life and from all over the world. With such a widely dispersed and diverse FRN family, our WHOLE Life Club has become the hub for sharing, learning from, and inspiring one another. It is an active club where we share eye-opening, engaging, and actionable information every day. You will also see members of our Community Support Team on the page, ready to answer questions and provide additional information and insights. In WHOLE Life Club we host a community forum where members have the opportunity to build supportive, plant-powered relationships with other WHOLE Life Club members. We have a number of channels in the forum, including  Nutrition, Cooking, Lifestyle, and Moral Support. As a WHOLE Lifer, members can ask questions, offer suggestions, and feel part of a larger community.

We also share tips and insights regularly on our Facebook and Instagram pages. Our Community Team enjoys engaging with community members on our social platforms, and we want the time people spend with us on our social networks to add value to their life.

We also offer an expanding array of courses, which provide an opportunity to connect with Food Revolution Network’s community in meaningful ways. During each of these six-week expert series facilitated by Ocean Robbins, participants have access to a private learning environment and community forum.

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