I would like John or Ocean to speak at my event. Who do I contact?

Because John and Ocean receive so many speaking invitations, we ask inquirers to answer a few questions in the initial process so we can move forward with a clear understanding of what the request is. We thoughtfully review each request and should your request be the right fit for our current structure and goals, you will hear back from our team about moving forward in the process. Please email your answers to the following questions to support@foodrevolution.org, and we will respond accordingly.

1) What is the name and the date of your event (or if there is no set date, then please share timing considerations)?

2) Who is your intended audience?

3) What are the goals for the? (as little as a sentence or two is fine)

4) If there are other speakers or guests, please share who else is confirmed at this time? (list all)

5) Who else, if applicable, do you plan to invite? (Please list)

6) Is there a sponsor backing this event or program?

7) How large is your current email list / reach? (Please give specifics.)

8) How many people are you hoping to reach in this event?

9) Do you have history or organizing telesummits, Internet marketing endeavors, live events, or other programs, and if so, what have been the results and scope?

10) Are you engaging affiliates or partners for the outreach? (If so, please share who else is on board and what scale of outreach you have anticipated.)

11) What is the financial model? How will revenues be generated, and are there affiliates involved?

12) Is your invitation specifically for John, for Ocean, or for either one?

13) How much time are you requesting? (If this is a live event, please tell us the closest major airport.)

14) Is this a virtual recording, or are you asking for an in-person appearance?

15) If you are asking for an in-person appearance, do you have resources for travel, accommodations, honorarium, etc.)?

16) Is your invitation contingent on email promotion or other specific outreach expectations?

17) If you are requesting an interview, are interviews pre-recorded? How long are they? What is the recording window?

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